Welcome to our school art gallery!
With the help of the Freshman Web Development class, this page was able to be developed! Many thanks for their help and assistance!
After reading the book "The Dot", kindergarten students got to design their own dots!
First Grade
The first graders learned about Piet Mondrian to study straight lines, squares and rectangles, and primary colors.
Second Grade
Second graders used geometric shapes to build collage ships.
Third Grade
Third graders learned about visual perspective rules and how to use wet in wet painting techniques.
Fourth Grade
Fourth graders studied two forms of abstraction. One was Georgia O'Keefe's zoomed in flower paintings and Jackson Pollock's Action Painting.
Fifth Grade
Fifth Graders studied the comic book style of Roy Lichtenstein to create their self portraits.
Sixth Grade
Sixth Graders have been visually traveling the world and recreating Scandinavian, Middle Eastern, and Asian styles of art.
Junior High
Junior High had a chance to create their own images using pointillism.
High School
The high school has been studying the Elements of Art (lines, shape, value, texture, color, and space) and the Principles of Design (Unity, Balance, Pattern, Dominance, Rhythm, and Proportion) to create a wide variety of images.