Student Eligibility Policy ~ Effective as of January 7, 2016
In an effort to ensure that students remain eligible for extracurricular activities and take
responsibility for the academic success, we are implementing a mandatory study session for
students that may become ineligible. Students that are failing a class will be given a “grace
week”. During this grace week the student will:
1. On the Thursday of the grace week, the student shall call and notify his or her
parents/guardians that he or she is taking part in mandatory study sessions in order to
raise his or her grades.
2. Meet with teachers in failing classes on Thursday, after school, to develop a “plan of
action” to bring his or her grade up to passing.
3. Supply the “plan of action” to the detention teacher, the athletic director, and the
4. Check their grades and missing assignments in Power School.
5. Report to the assigned detention duty teacher each day, Thursday-Wednesday,
including game days, for a mandatory study session.
If a student completes his or her plan of action prior to the end of the grace week, with teacher
and athletic director approval, he or she will no longer be required to attend detention. Students
that are in their grace week are still eligible for games.
Students will be able to check grades at the end of each school day.
If the student does not complete their plan of action or continues to be ineligible they will:
1. Complete all the steps of the grace week
2. Report to the assigned detention duty teacher each day, regardless of whether or not he
or she completed the plan of action.
Students that are on the ineligibility list are ineligible to play in any games that week.
responsibility for the academic success, we are implementing a mandatory study session for
students that may become ineligible. Students that are failing a class will be given a “grace
week”. During this grace week the student will:
1. On the Thursday of the grace week, the student shall call and notify his or her
parents/guardians that he or she is taking part in mandatory study sessions in order to
raise his or her grades.
2. Meet with teachers in failing classes on Thursday, after school, to develop a “plan of
action” to bring his or her grade up to passing.
3. Supply the “plan of action” to the detention teacher, the athletic director, and the
4. Check their grades and missing assignments in Power School.
5. Report to the assigned detention duty teacher each day, Thursday-Wednesday,
including game days, for a mandatory study session.
If a student completes his or her plan of action prior to the end of the grace week, with teacher
and athletic director approval, he or she will no longer be required to attend detention. Students
that are in their grace week are still eligible for games.
Students will be able to check grades at the end of each school day.
If the student does not complete their plan of action or continues to be ineligible they will:
1. Complete all the steps of the grace week
2. Report to the assigned detention duty teacher each day, regardless of whether or not he
or she completed the plan of action.
Students that are on the ineligibility list are ineligible to play in any games that week.
Cell Phone Policy as of Fall 2023
Can students have cell phones, iPods, or any other electronic devices at school?
● Possession and use of cellular phones, pagers, iPods and all electronic devices on school grounds, at school-
sponsored activities, and while under the supervision and control of District employees is a privilege which
will be permitted only under the circumstances described herein.
● At no time will any person operate a cell phone or other electronic device with video capabilities in a locker
room, bathroom, or other location where such operation may violate the privacy right of another person.
● Any student found to be guilty of taking pictures deemed inappropriate or using their cell phones
inappropriately (i.e. cyber bullying) will be subject to disciplinary action including suspension and / or
● Devices for Pre-K through 5th grade will put their communication devices in a pocket holder in their first
period class. They will be allowed to get them after school. Grades 6-12 will put their communication
devices in a pocket holder at the beginning of each class period and pick it up at the end of the period.
● No use of phones/devices allowed in the lunchroom during lunch period.
● No phones/devices will be allowed in lockers.
● Unauthorized use of such devices disrupts the instructional program and distracts from the learning
environment; therefore, unauthorized use is grounds for confiscation of the device by the school officials,
including classroom teachers.
● Confiscated devices will be returned under the following conditions:
o 1st offense: warning to the student and returned at the end of the day.
o 2nd offense: 30 minutes of detention served over 2 days and parent must remove the phone.
o 3rd offense: 1 hour of detention served over 2 days and parent must remove the phone.
o Successive offenses: at the discretion of administration.
For our full district policy, check out the link below or use the policy link under our School tab above.
● Possession and use of cellular phones, pagers, iPods and all electronic devices on school grounds, at school-
sponsored activities, and while under the supervision and control of District employees is a privilege which
will be permitted only under the circumstances described herein.
● At no time will any person operate a cell phone or other electronic device with video capabilities in a locker
room, bathroom, or other location where such operation may violate the privacy right of another person.
● Any student found to be guilty of taking pictures deemed inappropriate or using their cell phones
inappropriately (i.e. cyber bullying) will be subject to disciplinary action including suspension and / or
● Devices for Pre-K through 5th grade will put their communication devices in a pocket holder in their first
period class. They will be allowed to get them after school. Grades 6-12 will put their communication
devices in a pocket holder at the beginning of each class period and pick it up at the end of the period.
● No use of phones/devices allowed in the lunchroom during lunch period.
● No phones/devices will be allowed in lockers.
● Unauthorized use of such devices disrupts the instructional program and distracts from the learning
environment; therefore, unauthorized use is grounds for confiscation of the device by the school officials,
including classroom teachers.
● Confiscated devices will be returned under the following conditions:
o 1st offense: warning to the student and returned at the end of the day.
o 2nd offense: 30 minutes of detention served over 2 days and parent must remove the phone.
o 3rd offense: 1 hour of detention served over 2 days and parent must remove the phone.
o Successive offenses: at the discretion of administration.
For our full district policy, check out the link below or use the policy link under our School tab above.